Tuesday, November 15, 2016



Our Interactive Life in  Spiritual Intelligence

At some point, I began to start seeing correlated observations and then I began to question coincidence (in my  life) from within.  I went off the track from whence I trained in my left brain which is designed to receive instruction; I purposefully (once having seen enough) went completely away from my training and tried to do something outside the realm of my then training, then secure environment, then predictable world and world of my expectations and I went out on a sojourn in the pursuit of answers and I found a world of certainty and stability and predictability in a very enormous global perspective that put the prospect of my former world in it’s proper perspective as limited by comparison.

It wasn’t an accident: the world I was afforded to peek into and the occasions that gave it opportunity.  It wasn’t without great help from others (that I was lucky enough to be interfacing with) who were touchstones to me, that I received some objectivity as well as points from which to gather navigational perspective in this wide universe with which I am embraced and which I now embrace everyday.

We know today, based on scientific evidence that there is vastness OUT THERE, if one has the occasion to look up.  There is tremendous Greatness out there.  And I am afraid the extent of it is far, far, far, further than the eye can see or that the mind can comprehend and all of that out there is in some way interlocking and there is no friction to speak of out there in space in the vacuum represented: no atmosphere in space.  And because there is no atmosphere and no friction in the vastness, the way that the magnetic fields of the celestial bodies interact is very immense and direct.  The distance  between the earth and the sun is millions of miles, yet the effects of sunburst from the sun can be known and experienced in the earth within twenty four hours of such an occurrence.  I know that it is postulated  that the moon is affecting our tides on earth at regular intervals, as well. There is great precision in the planetary orbits and the moons which affect these planets and these also affect the earth.  I believe that all the celestial bodies are important to life on the planet earth and that they in some way are interconnected and acting upon and affecting life on planet earth through the vastness and emptiness of space.

The detail of these bodies and their intricate special effects in the universe are real and pronounced and they are an imprint.  They are an imprint of a system and a representation which is symbolic of another system that is there, which is just as real as the system you may see with your eyes( but only to a point because we are unable to see it all with our  eyes: our ability to perceive what we can see is therefor limited).

The greatness of this huge system or universe which we have the opportunity to behold   every day is magnificent in its design and the positive effects that this universe is having upon the earth within the harmony of the whole but the extent of the greatness of this
system can only be known or touched in some small degree and only in the  acknowledgement of the perspective of humanity for whom it was designed and only viewed from the proper perspective of awe and humility.  Only then will we perhaps gain a glimpse of that which is past finding out, if we linger and anticipate, if perchance to receive a peek.  Are we watching???

As the prophet, Jesus, said  “Seek  and ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened unto you”.  Thomas Edison said that his achievements were 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.  But the hard work and the inspiration are at the heart of the catalyst that brings into the world new information from which vast changes in life have occurred in just the last 120 years.  ( GEOMETRIC GROWTH IS INDICATED BY THOSE CHANGES and  the  manifestation of that is a world which has come to support the growth of population (only) from 1.5 billion  at  the end  of Civil War to 6 Billion and counting today).  Is the operation of the spiritual principle: seeking (in Thomas Edison’s laboratory) that which was the catalyst for discovery which today we are all the beneficiaries of? Was this seeking the catalyst, as well, of the growth of population supported by said discoveries? 

There was a time when men(and women) on this planet, renowned men(and women), men(and women) who ran things who were in positions of authority, believed that the world that we lived upon was flat.   They had the authority and the impetus to maintain the status quo and went on leaving humanity in darkness and this ignorance was perpetuated.
Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan had a different idea and put their ideas to the test with backing from well endowed benefactors. You see, ladies and gentlemen, things are not as they appear at first glance.  That is why it is incumbent upon all men and women and boys and girls to develop a love of learning, a love of learning that lasts and is fed by unbridled hunger, and that that learning be not quenched and the catalysts of seeking, asking, and knocking be not quelled by ignorance or going through the motions of living without the benefit of (receiving retaining and releasing knowledge) increased vigilance and thereby discovering new horizons.  That process is only limited by man’s and woman’s hunger to know.

I want to know. I want to find. I want to receive answers. I want to see life’s doors open so that I can advance in my comprehension of the way things work here so that I am not ignorant, nor is my life fruitless to have an impact on my outcomes while living here.
I have known darkness, ignorance, despair, anguish, anger, and resentment.  It’s part of the human condition. I have also experienced fullness of joy because of the eyes of my understanding being open when I have been enabled to see way beyond and comprehend much further than my physical eyes are able to see.  When one knows or is given the tools with which one can uncover and discover, then one can understand and then truly see what is, if only in part.  Life is like a puzzle this way in that many times answers come, like the pieces of a puzzle, one at a time.

There is a physical universe and there is a spiritual universe. I think my perception of the universe is biased (now because of my experience) by my view of the planet I live on.  I
believe the universe is vast and never ending.  I believe mundane parts of our lives, the repetitious, habits, and schedules, are run on a clock and that part of life and living is all afforded and performed by we humans in left brain function of our brains.   I believe our lives need to be touched by the beauty of inspiration, art, music, and a dance, and functions that enable us to live in the right side of our brains and I believe that to get people to move from the left side of their brains to the right side of their brains, Jesus spoke in parables that addressed the eternal parts of life: the immense subjects of life that have no bounds.  For Jesus was preoccupied with a mission and a message that: God is love.  That message is liberating.  It sets his audience free from the bondage of the mundane and we begin to do what he often encouraged us to do which was to “look up”.  What do you see when you look up??? Jesus did not just speak about these things.  He participated in these things and the limitless limits which he spoke about on a daily basis.   His message was with authority and demonstration of  the spirit and of power and wisdom.  He spoke with boldness and confidence.  He said that he spoke what the Father(God) gave him to speak and that without the Father, Jesus stated that he  could do nothing.  Jesus was perfect,  but perfection was not a standard required for his followers to also adopt his message, words, and gospel, and then begin to perform the same signs, miracles, and wonders which their mentor also performed.  What is inherent in the history of the church is that Jesus’ way and works were modeled by this mentor and teacher to be duplicated.  I’m still moving a little bit ahead of myself here, but for the point to be made,  one more example is required. Twice Jesus performed a specific miracle which was the duplication of a miracle performed by one of Jesus’s ancestors, Moses.  When these incidences occur in the Bible in this manner (they repeat) they represent the establishment of a pattern.  We are going to be visiting and investigating many of these patterns in the body of this work.

Moses was in the wilderness. You might remember that he was raised in Pharaoh’s house after Pharaoh’s edict prescribed his death and the death of all the other male children (infants)( this pattern also repeats historically) of his day at that time( was this the first recorded attempt of population control?Then, events ( Moses’ murder of an Egyptian)  led him away from Egypt into the wilderness(we all have a past which is known to God before we begin).  Part of our beginnings which makes our lives adaptable toward improvement and self determination is our ability to become informed.  Moses had become somewhat informed when God appeared to him in the manifestation of the burning bush ( Moses knew he came from slaves; and he was aware of his Israelitish heritage and culture; he listened to his parents and mentors and in this was disciplined).  Moses looked up and beheld this wonder of a burning bush in the middle of nowhere. He could have imagined to himself “what an interesting show!” and walked on down the path he was on and never have given the subject another thought.  Moses was watching his father in law’s sheep and wasn’t distracted by neon lights, the internet, Facebook, a cellphone, video games, television, Netflix , or any host of other items that might have distracted him away from the bush.  So Moses went on over and checked it out.  The record states that Moses turned.  It may have been some ways off the beaten path when Moses saw the burning bush and he might have had some traveling to do to get over to it.  This record is in the Book of Exodus and I have read the record a couple of times but everything that pertains to this record globally is not written in the body of the record of Exodus.  If one wishes to develop a global view of this event, one must have every pronouncement about this event from every source that is germane to the topic(within the chronicling of the scriptures addressing the subject).  Then one will have all the evidence as to what occurred in that record and how that evidence might pertain to one’s own life and walk, journey, information, enlightenment.  You are probably familiar with the record: Eventually God speaks to Moses and initiates the dialogue by telling Moses to take the sandals off his feet because the ground where Moses was standing was “holy ground”. 

Prior to this event occurring, Moses waited and waited and waited and waited.  Today, we are so busy and inundated with our necessities and every other little distraction, that the only way that God could get our attention at all is if He talks to us in our sleep because in most of the days we live in, we don’t know how to put our minds in neutral long enough to the end that we could hear if God sought to engage us.  Some of us are involved in meditation.  A lot more of us should consider it for it’s obvious benefits, if only to get one’s mind in neutral.  Someone I am close to shared what I am going to share with you with respect to Moses waiting but the record in Exodus doesn’t make note of Moses waiting.  Moses waited for something to happen because in the vastness of the universe and all the apparent unconnected events taking place under the sky, Moses interpreted what he saw(since there wasn’t anyone else around) as designated specifically for him;  I don’t think that this event unfolded the way it did because of Moses ego but moreover because of his aptitude for the logical and because of curiosity.  When God began to speak a week later, God revealed many things to Moses about the future in a conversation which began a dialogue between God and Moses.   There were some specifics that God left out of that conversation(regarding Moses’s future).  I’ve developed a little perspective on being here on this earth and the universe of information:  knowledge available to us (for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect as come then that which is in part shall be done away- Ist Corinthians Chapter 13).   If God revealed all the details to us;  if we could know it all, we would not do our lives; it is better to live in day tight compartments as God’s Word prescribes in Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take  thought for the things of itself: sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. 

Moses got the children of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt, led them to the edge of the sea, waited for some days while God’s people, Israel, were divided from the pursuing army by a pillar of fire.  Moses led the children across the sea on dry land and into the desert and the pursuing army of Pharaoh perished in the sea.

After some time, it was brought to Moses’s attention that the people were hungry.  Moses took up a conversation with God (In the Bible, Elohim is the name used in the Hebrew for God as the creator; Jehovah is the word for God in His relationship to his creation). They had a conversation in which Moses pleaded the need of the people and God then began to make provision for that hunger by providing food in the way of quails (which blew into their camp daily) and manna from heaven that came every morning like the dew.  And there were rules relating to the collecting of these items.  Exodus 16 verse 35 And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited: they did eat manna  until they came into the borders of the land of Canaan. This they did for 40 years, ladies and gentlemen. Is there a pattern here developing that we should be aware of ?  TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE ???? I don’t think so.  However, for those that are DISMISSIVE of these events, it might be a cause TO ENVY THEM.  Why?  Because of God’s goodness poured out upon this people, specifically.

No limits: Here’s a situation where something came into existence out of nowhere to meet the needs of this people and this event happened in relationship to a man’s interaction with the Father, God, and source behind the universe we see every day which appears, within a myopic cursory view, as if  it has limits and limitations.  The relationship between God and Moses and communication and believing on the part of Moses, and the operation of the manifestations of the Spirit operating in the life of Moses, God’s servant, in his vision for Israel,  was the catalyst by which this event came to pass.  Now let us look at another event which shows up later on this same vein.

When things came pressing in and Jesus had led his disciples a days journey out of town, He had compassion on them because they were hungry.  He asked someone near him “What have you there to eat?”  Five loaves and two fishes came back the answer.  Here’s the record in Matthew 14 verse 13. When Jesus heard of it, referring to John the Baptist’s death, he departed by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities. 14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. 15 And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, this is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves victuals. 16 But Jesus said unto them, they need not depart; give you them to eat. 17 And they say unto him, we have here but five loaves, and two fishes. 18 He said  “Bring them hither to me”. 19 And He commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and  brake, and  gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. 20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up all of the fragments that remained 12 baskets full. 21 And they that had eaten were about 5000 men besides women and children.

Again, here is a situation where Jesus had compassion on the people and he healed all their sick, and evidently it took all day and when it was evening, when Jesus saw some of his disciples thinking and indicating it was time to break up the party, He said “no; we don’t have to stop”.  We don’t need to send anyone away to town to eat.  Jesus knew of Moses and God’s relationship and we see a common denominator right here in front of us.  Moses loved God and Moses loved God’s people and he, Moses, had compassion and he sought God out, out of his(Moses’s) compassion.  When we make a habit of following this pattern, the compassion in our lives and the capacity for compassion grows in us as we let it release its fruit from our heart in the way we love and give.  Compassion is a gift that comes from God.  Compassion grows in tender hearts.  It is very important therefore that we don’t allow ourselves to become hard hearted by looking at the conditions and the circumstances in the world and that we resist the temptation to turn inward.  Following the healings,  Jesus then became the go between on behalf of God (to the people) to powerfully convert five loaves and two fishes into a meal for 5000  men and their wives and children.  There was a need; there was a family meeting, and God provided through His provision and made something to come out of nowhere at the command of Jesus, His son, on behalf of the people. 

The world says it isn’t so; that it cannot be; that things just cannot happen that way and that these claims are impossible in the world you and I live in.  Well, perhaps we are living in a world that is unseen and unknown to the naysayers.  The obvious question that this thinking to me evokes is: Which world are we living in?

Because we are living in a spiritual universe which is run and operated on spiritual principles,   these principles must be known and operated inside the heart and soul of man/woman in order for the limits of the physical universe we live in to be subordinated: that the river of provision of the spiritual universe, where GOD IS, be enabled to flow into the physical universe that we can see with our eyes and know by our five senses (or the natural realm).  One is the natural realm; the other is the spiritual realm; One is the physical universe; the other is the spiritual universe.

This whole discussion goes to the question of “ WHAT IS?” What explains these phenomenon which are recorded for posterity in the pages of this manuscript (referred to as the Bible) which is a history of the facts of the lives and culture of Gods people, Israel, and their descendants and those God called subsequent to Jesus’s resurrection who are the members of the First Century Church and their followers?

Science attempts to describe the world we live in by an assemblage of facts.  Faith claims that truth is the explanation for the description of What Is!!  It is the duty of mankind, men, women, boys and girls to afford themselves a wide berth and to allow themselves to become informed and then make their own decision based on a mind that has been allowed to research (recon)   and allowed to become informed on subjects vital to this study and then to make their own decision based on their own due diligence here on this planet, which is the laboratory of our lives.

Within the universe of  philosophy is a collection of observations from ancient Greece. One of said philosophers was Plato.  Plato is said to have promoted a concept that is known from his writings and referred to as Cave Philosophy.  It is a parable and relates the lives of imprisoned people who are attached to a wall behind which there is a fire and they may not move and their heads are also unmovable.  Their view is only of the wall in front of them and they are unable to see anything saving the shadows cast by others moving objects behind them in the light of the fire.  Their sensory stimuli and interaction is thereby limited and constrained.  The sum of all their experiences is thus conditioned and limited.  They believe that their observations of the shadows they see passing on the wall in front of them is their reality and their concepts of reality and of what it consists is thereby clouded as well as inhibited.  One of the prisoners escapes, climbs up out of the cave and goes out into the light and is thereby, then stunned, as his eyes go into the shock of receiving direct light from the direct source of the sun.  This is awkward because the new sensory data is at first blurred but in its immediacy, there is no frame of reference for logging on the data that his senses are now registering.  Such a person could be in the state of shock and stunned for days on end because all of these new experiences, sights, and sounds would be overwhelming and new.  But as the hours and the days went by, the former prisoner is now able to adapt to his new experiences and he becomes accustomed to the data that defines in fact what the reality (which was before obscured) is and of what that reality truly consists: sun, warmth, green grass, animals, trees, blue sky, light, color , etc. etc. etc.

Having thus been enlightened, the former prisoner has the opportunity to go back into the cave to bring the news of the new world experience which is now familiar and known to him.  When he recites his experiences, the other prisoners in the cave deny what he tells them and even resist his pleas to join him in the world of what is: up and outside of the cave.  They, his former co-prisoners, cannot and will not believe in the world he describes to them and resist his invitation to see for themselves and join him because they have so long been conditioned to perceive only shadows which represent only a reflection of the reality now known to the prisoner who escaped.  Is there security in familiarity? Is security a just reason to perpetuate the bondage of ignorance?

Plato’s cave philosophy in many respects relates to my perception of the spiritual universe with all ordinates and heaven’s spiritual information system  provided here to aid us in determining navigation and additionally providing from the Spiritual Universe, provision which may be appropriated by understanding how the provision is coming to us when acting within the parameters of what is and what works by knowing how.  Is this happening?  Is the universe we live in interactive? If we pose questions here, can the God and Creator of the universe answer us, these? Can we ask? Do we seek? Do we knock? Do we act out mentally on our curiosity and demand answers to our queries and then wait for those queries to be answered?  Do we persist? Are we determined and are we attentively listening to hear the answers to the questions that we seek answers to? Can we test the premonitions of our heart by engaging the God, Jehovah, in our quest? Is there a responsibility which is incumbent on us to do so? Can we change the habit of our mind to again let our curiosity run away with us on an habitual basis and then again develop a pattern of thinking that is questioning within an accompanying attitude of expectation as if to assume that this universe is possibly as I describe?  I am not being trite and neither should you be if you mount the courage to so, now, go in your mind on this path I am indicating.  This is serious as a heart attack and you must not draw back; for if there are answers out there which come back to us that indicate following up, we might find that there are measures that we will eventually take that could be dramatic and forever change the perspective of our life and also set us inside a completely new set of objectives which are and may also be just new challenges presented on a platter of unknown and vast opportunity .

Is the world that we look out upon everyday a laboratory in which the model which I assert exists and is being tested and proven every day?  Is this concept forever present in the place where you and I live and available to test, a tool that will enable us so that we are able to comprehend(at least in part) the concept and interact with this concept in a perceivable way on a daily basis?  Do you believe that Thomas Edison knew this.  What about Nikolai Tesla? What about Henry Ford?  What about Samuel Morse?  Will God also grace you in your life and your quest at the laboratory of our Interactive Universe?
Can we look up? Were we set in this place with no ability to receive information about the world’s origins and or our purpose here as well as our destiny? What will we find if we step out, thus inquiring with expectation; what is it that will be revealed unto us? When was it that we stopped caring and decided that our lives were not important enough to strike out on our own out of the responsibility as the stewards of these magnificent bodies and our magnificent minds to become and to be the discoverer that lives in the foundation of our soul’s genetic DNA and demand of ourselves the answers to these basic questions.  These questions indicate knowing is vital to volition, and volition inside the burning heart is catalyst toward changing and that changing, becoming, and overcoming,  are vital to seeing  across  and beyond the space /time continuum (we call home )and that all of these are acts which lend themselves toward changing(our) life (conciousness)on this planet, thereby, enabling us to take flight.

It takes courage to embark on such a journey and to go with the answers that we are given and hold with conviction and thankfulness (as stewards of this treasure: unspeakable knowledge) these, that we are endowed and graced with.  It is the responsibility of the liberated to hold and stand fast within and on behalf of our newfound discoveries.  These discoveries may be known as proofs and they are as real as what we can see and feel and touch. Aren’t they?

Let’s look at the word prove.  From Webster’s dictionary we have the following: Prove: to test the quality of; try out; to try or ascertained by an experiment or standard. To establish the truth or validity of by evidence or demonstration. To check the correctness. To ascertain the genuineness of: Verify.

In the last book of the Old Testament Malachi in the third chapter in the 10th verse we have the following: Bring me all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

This word prove is from Hebrew word, bachan which is usage 974 in the new Strongs exhaustive concordance to the Bible. It is defined as a primitive route: to test (especially metals) to investigate, examine, prove, tempt, try (trial).

Any word may appropriately be used here in substitute for the word prove (except tempt) in this context, to garner a feeling for the gist of the meaning of this word.

This verse is a summons by God, who created the heavens and the earth, to do the interactive, to reach out, to try Him: to engage in this specific principle (tithing).
Don’t attempt to do this halfheartedly.  God, in this summons, is very much putting His seriousness on the line and His integrity, and asking, beseeching those that are in hearing distance, to put Him on the line by putting this activity into action to interact with Him in this promise and then observe the results.  Is something going to happen if we act by our own seriousness and our own integrity by meeting God face to face in this summons?
Is God proven in results? In the act and its results, something is (becomes) known on a three dimensional level because of the three-dimensional experience of the result happening (in our lives with him): that when we rely upon Him by relying upon His Word, His word will bear results: Fruit from where He is to our doorstep and our very lives: livelihood (with results born, expanded livelihood). The essence of His reliability therefore is then etched into our hearts in a way that can never be lost via experiential knowledge (Greek: Ginosko). There is a book that was written, the name of which is The Art of Loving, by Eric Fromm.  In the introduction, the author describes the theory of love and then the distinct and separate effect of love when the theory is put into practice. There is a word referred to in the body of the work: Sunesis.  It is the understanding which is achieved when the river of the theory (Love) that we are holding in our mind runs together with the river of the practical where the result from applying the Love principle then flows(manifests): these two rivers, thus, come together thereby enabling the enlightening of the eyes of our understanding.  This phrase is used in the book of Ephesians.  Does the mention of this idea indicate that it is available?  If it is available, is it possible for anyone who is seeking to log this on their mental set of objectives for  accomplishing, as a goal in their lives?  I don’t know about you, but it dawned on me a long time ago that I was ignorant and way in the dark about an enormous amount of information and I made it my goal: To Know!  

It is important that we learn to rely upon God’s reliability and grow in confidence toward our obedience toward him in this way and in all other ways( referring to Malachi 3:10).
Man (Woman) has the ability to believe and thereby to make things happen according to pictures that he(she) holds in his(her) organ of mental perception: the mind (gr Nous).  Man can carry out the steps and objectives toward  making things happen in the earth and convert his labor into the reward or exchange afforded in sums of money without acknowledging the Creator by operating this principle (tithing) not unlike   acknowledging God when we say grace before meals.  Something can then happen and often does which is that man accesses great amounts of dough in his large bank account and then becomes subject to greed which is a bottomless pit and which usually and ultimately destroys a man’s life: this man’s life becomes about one thing and all the other blessings which God has to bestow upon him in every dynamic of life is cut off because this man becomes enamored with the mistress of money and hunger thereof which can never be quenched.  On his path, he came to tunnel vision.  Does the operation of this principle neutralize greed’s effects upon the one operating the principle???

In Romans 12 verse one and two we have the following verses:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

The word prove in verse 2 is Greek.  The word is used five times in the New Testament epistles as usage 1381 from the new Strong’s concordance. Dokimazo : to test; by implication to approve, allow, discern, examine x like (ap-): prove, to try.

In the second verse, there is an implied benefit ( in a promised result embedded in the act) in the relationship between the act of renewing the mind and being transformed (the effect). This is a summons to do the act of putting on God’s word in our minds by the study and feeding of it(to our minds) in nourishing our souls/ hearts toward a more virtuous thinking pattern and standard to act from. The promise is that we will be transformed and the word for transformed is metamorphoo: the root of the word we know from science as metamorphosis which is a phenomenon known to all men, women, boys, and girls as it relates to butterflies.  It is a wonder God put in nature for all of us to behold, know, and forever mark in our memories( and perhaps a signpost God put in nature for emphasis).  Do you want to fly?  To be weightless?  To float (as does the liberated butterfly)?  The indirect profit in doing this: renewing of the mind (and in so doing being transformed beautifully, magically, spiritually) is that in so doing, one proves the truth: one’s life’ changes becomes the evidence; one proves that God’s word is good and that Gods word is acceptable and its result is matchless in the universe and its beauty is matchless: for it is the growth and development of spiritual seed and the flowering thereof in the mind of a body and soul (and spirit where God’s spirit is indwelling) creation(we humans) which is being produced. 

I have a mentor who continuously repeated the following: “ We are what the word of God says we are; We have what the word of God says that we have; We will be what the word of God says we will be”.  What is it that the word of God says that you are?  What is it that the word of God says that you have?  What is it that the word of God says you will be? That would be our quest to find out.

What is the key to becoming the embodiment of that statement? The heart of the Key of obtaining these things is to renew one’s mind by confessing what the word of God says in every situation by confessing the promises of the word of God that pertain to every circumstance that we are confronted with.  Then it becomes resident inside our mind; And then it becomes resident inside our heart because of this process. The nous(greek word for mind) is the organ of mental perception.  The protocol of renewing the mind requires that we feed the promises and the truths of the Word into our minds and retain those truths there.  As we confess them in situational context in our daily challenges  where they apply,  those words,  those promises eventually sink down into our  (kardia,greek) heart and the results of our vision and believing become manifest  therefrom.  In proverbs the Word says: Keep thy heart with all diligence: for out of it are the issues of life.  Proverbs 4 verse 23.

Trust and confidence are elements of positive believing that grow our faith.  Faith, in confession, reaches a dynamic in which it manifests (it’s fruit) into results from within the heart: kardia.  Believing is a spiritual law found in Mark chapter 11: It is the medium through which confession produces results in the senses realm from within the heart.  It is also the avenue through which we become what the word of God says we are by renewing our minds, by clothing our thoughts with the thoughts of virtue that are there for us to confess and to saturate our brain cells with.  This is how we prove the word and how the word is proven in us.  Again, in this instance, God is summoning us; HE is imploring us to prove it.  Will you accept this challenge?

Acts 17:11

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica and that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so.

This looks like a statement of proving; in verification.  The words in this verse indicate determination through unseen acts in the interactive. The word “readiness” is usage  4288 from the Strongs Concordance and it is the word prothuma(greek) from 4289  prothumos: predisposition ; alacrity forwardness of mind ready willing mind from 4253 Pro  a primary preposition fore, in front of fore : to- above ago before or over
From Webster’s, alacrity is a lively eager promptness in response.   Would the idea of “anticipation” be descriptive here of the interactive which  was occurring here in the lives of this group of persons addressed, who were expecting to receive? confirmation?

The book of Acts is a compilation of events that are the overflow of the manifestation of the works  of the renewed mind in the lives of believers who lived 2000 years ago, where God proved His word in their lives and one of the documentations that was promised by Jesus before he departed and which have been showing up ever since in the lives of believers over the centuries were signs , wonders, and miracles  following in the paths  of those that were believing.  This is free flowing LOVE and POWER overflowing out of the lives of people who renewed their minds as well as  the fruit which was produced in their lives.

I have in this section discussed two incidences where God provided food in two situations where miracles stood in the place of men, Moses and Jesus, interacting in compassion for their fellow sojourners here.

I have discussed the universe and that it consists of a material world (aka physical universe) that we are pretty familiar with and the spiritual universe about which little is known because we have been held in ignorance as a result of a lack of teaching, and or wrong teaching.  I have postulated that the universe we live in, the spiritual universe, is interactive and that we must know the ordinates thereof in detail in order to effectively work here( on earth )to harness the power of this unknown reality( truth in principle)in our favor( coincidentally the word Charis-gr  in the Bible is God’s grace: also translated favor).  I have further implied that the more we familiarize ourselves with the ordinates that define how to effectively operate here via principles (navigate), that exist in and of themselves, the easier life becomes as we harness the levers of the HOW in seeking to KNOW, with an assurance and anticipation that Knowing is a determining factor in our successful navigation in our natural world.  I have further emphasized that the natural realm is superseded by and subordinate at every level to the spiritual realm that rules and regulates  what is permitted here and unleashed here.   I have questioned openly “what are the possibilities?” I have answered with the indication that sojourners here have an obligation to seek, ask, and knock on heaven’s door, with anticipation, to prove, by interacting with the Spiritual Universe, that Truth exists; to prove that Truth delivers provision; to prove that Truth holds the answers to the questions that we seek answers to; to prove that the Truth is alive and present and willing to reveal itself as we reach out to engage.  The content of this undertaking and the experience of my life, contained herein, attest and bear witness to these claims.

In the pages which follow, I will attempt to demonstrate to you that the principles that have been delivered into my understanding,  ordinates that I have become well acquainted with,  reveal that our lives are part of a calling to an existence within a three dimensional realm,  from which one may measure and access, however, a fourth   dimension. In this realm, we have the calling to a thriving expansive life that requires of us a response that may enable us to KNOW and GROW further than we may presently be able to comprehend.  A positive response can and will by necessity stretch the bounds and realm of our thinking and comprehension in relation to the world we live in and it will further enable massive expansion in our spiritual conceptualization and therefor our horizons. Through this process we have the ability to expand our outcomes in all of life’s dynamics as a result of our expanded vision and expectation in the spiritual realm, and   our interactive life inside it.

Michelangelo was commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at  Rome which he began in 1508 and finished in 1512 AD.   IN THE CENTER OF THAT WORK  IS AN ILLUSTRATION WHICH EMBODIES MY EMPHASIS HERE.
It is a picture of God(pictured in the image of a man), who is Spirit , ( and therefor has no form or comeliness: God is not a man; God is Spirit) represented by Superior Presence and from above touching the hand of man who is represented by an inferior presence and below.   The focus of this work is on the possibility of  “touching the Hand of GOD”  (figuratively) also known as walking in fellowship with God.  Art Critics from all parts of the globe that we live in, have lauded Michelangelo because of this work and they have for centuries acclaimed his work atop the Sistine Chapel as a MASTERPIECE.  Why?  Because he is an incredibly accomplished artist but for me there is something else here which goes way beyond the art and the artist.  It is what he captured in this picture which beckons to me and rings out in it’s clarion call in posing the question  “What are the possibilities?”  The biggest question for me is  “What will happen if we immerse ourselves in the messages contained herein and we press in and we go interactive and begin to ask the questions and begin to apply the principles which have been revealed to me and which I will share with you?”  What this picture, therefore, then evokes in its expression to me is the question: “By pressing in, Is it  available to touch Greatness; to touch the Majestic; to touch the Magnificent?” May that striving to press into the interactive universe  prove true and be the conduit for Greatness, Majesty and Magnificence to make their abode with us.

To access chapter 1, please enter the following into your web browser (do not copy and paste) :  ablever11.blogspot.com

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